Journey to web development with nodejs


2 min read

Hello there, I recently started a web dev course on nodejs courtesy of a collaborative partnership between progate and devcareer for the next 90 days. It's been so thrilling all the way, I now really understood the essence of arrays and objects in programming and why we use call-back functions. So, I will be highlighting what I have learned so far in the program. For context's sake, I had to go through the javascript modules to really refresh and understand the concepts I would be using in time to come. Additionally, I have shared a screenshot of a simple program I wrote to solidify my knowledge of the concepts I have learned.


Data structure and Conditionals

  • Strings and integers
  • Variables and constants
  • Conditionals (if statement, else, switch etc. )

  • Iterations (while and for loops)

  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • Undefined


  • Arrow functions
  • Argument
  • Multiple Arguments
  • Return values
  • Scope

Array Methods

  • push
  • forEach
  • find
  • filter
  • map

Callback function

  • Declaring callback
  • Argument of callback functions

Finally, I wrote a program that utilized most of what l have learned from the progate platform. The program add new applicant's details to the array of objects, prints out some items based on some condition , passes a function as a parameter to another function (callback) etc.



Thank you for reading. I hope to share more of my technical journey. ๐Ÿ™‚